Winter Recipes
By Yana Mikheeva Is it truth that sweets can be seasonal, like kinds of sport or cloth? Yes, they can. In winter it's time for us to pass to all that dishes, we refused to eat in summer: thick, hot, nourishing and hearty. What we need to eat in winter All fruit with vitamin C – it strengthens immunity and prevent from colds, give forces to us, tones up and cheers you up, like tea or coffee. Plenty of vitamin A is vital, as it controls our good adaptation to long gloaming and short light day, moreover, it makes our skin elastic, able to resist cold and freeze. So, we generously add citrus juices, rich in vitamin C, or black-currant syrup in all desserts. Sea-buckthorn juice contains a lot of carotenes (provitamin A). Yolks contain natural vitamin A. Immune system needs a lot of protein – it produces antibodies of proteins, protecting us from flu and bugs. Milk, cream, sour cream are excellent sources of protein. All hot dishes help nutritive materials to be complet...