Danger - Multiple Sclerosis and Diet Soda

During my spare time I'm always searching the web for different pieces of information that can I use for my website on Alternative medicine. Sometimes this involves a lot of research and in most cases it turns out that there are never enough facts to put onto paper. The reason I put danger into the title is that I believe everyone should know about this. In this article you will read about a frightening concept that has been brought to my attention via an email, and I intend to give you some of that information in the next few paragraphs. For legal reasons I can't reveal everything but I think what you are about to read will make sit up and think.

With Multiple Sclerosis there is a known fact that more and more people are going down with this terrible disease and although it is not life threatening it not pleasant and the symptoms gradually get worse so that the patients quality of life is very bad to say the least. Up till a few years ago the Doctor's could only prescribe drugs they hoped would help yet these drugs would not cure the disease. They might on the other hand help the pain but eventually the pain would win.

The email I would like to tell you about shocked me to say the least and was all about a lady who was suffering with Multiple Sclerosis in a bad way. It went on to tell about the pain she was in and that it was even an effort to get out of bed. Her walking was almost impossible and her state of mind had a hit an all time low as she prepared herself for death.

It was a phone call from her sister that altered the course of her life when she was asked the question if she drank diet soda. She answered yes and told her she was just about to open a can when the phone rang. Her sister told her not to open it and she told that she would send her an email explaining why. Thinking this was strange but her sister was quite adamant that she shouldn't drink this diet soda she went along with her wishes.

Thirty two hours after this phone call the lady felt much better in fact she could even walk again without too much pain. Her Doctor was amazed as he saw the remarkable change in her health and as a result he got in touch with all his patients that were suffering with Multiple Sclerosis telling that the artificial sweeteners in the drink could be the very thing that was causing the problem. This email went on to say that there are around 500 sweeteners on the market with the particular item in it, and for legal reasons I'm not going to tell you what it is but you can rest assured that it is a poison. So the message of this email was quite clear. Do not drink diet type drinks or use artificial sweeteners. Please note that I am not a Doctor and that I am simply passing a message on.

Ivan Hince writes articles on medical and Alternative medical health. If you would like more information on the above article or details on other medical conditions please go to the following websites.

http://www.find-the-info.com/multiple.htm and http://www.find-the-info.com


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