Fluoride Compounds in Water - You Decide

The highly controversial topic, fluoride compounds in water brings about serious discussion among many people. Some of us are for, some of us against fluoride in our drinking water while others have not thought about it. I tended to be one of those who had not thought about it, until recently. For more discussion on this topic, please read on.

Fluoride is a government initiative introduced by  many countries throughout the world to improve the quality of children's teeth by helping to prevent dental decay. The fluoride is added to our public water supply to ensure that everyone receives it. Some governments are for this, others are against. It has been in use for over 50 years.

The type of fluoride used is not the natural occurring fluoride which is calcium fluoride. The type used is either silicoflouride, which is derived from the by products of the phosphate fertilizer industry or sodium fluoride, which is a by product from the aluminum industry. Two very highly toxic products, in fact they are 85% more toxic than the naturally occurring calcium fluoride.

It has been suggested that these toxic by products have been created to help the large industries dispose of their dangerous waste. Silicofluride also contains lead, cadmium, uranium and arsenic. The EPA has recently stated that they would like to reduce the amount of lead and arsenic in our public water supplies to zero. One would wonder why they actually allow silicofluride to be added.

The recommended amount of fluoride compounds in water is 1ppm. Due to the amount of processed food and drink we consume plus the use of toothpaste and other products containing fluoride it is very easy to almost triple that amount daily.

The American Dental association recommends that babies under 1 year old should not have fluoridated water added to their food or formulas due to the risk of dental flurosis or damage to the tooth surface.

Studies have linked fluoride in our drinking water to lowered IQs in children, genetic damage, brain impairment and cancer. Studies carried out over the years have not been able to prove a definite improvement in children's teeth. In fact there seems to be very little difference in children's teeth from non fluoridated areas and areas that are fluoridated.

Okay, how can we prevent ourselves and our family from drinking fluoride compounds in water. Bottled water is expensive and  not regulated, so in my view it is not worth the risk as the water you buy could contain fluoride. The cheaper and more reliable method is to own either a water filter for your drinking faucet or a whole house water filter so that the flouride is not absorbed through your skin when showering or bathing.

And now to learn more about top quality award winning water filter systems at factory prices you are invited to go to: http://www.clean-water-filtration.com

From Judith Pratt - Dedicated researcher for the best clean water for optimum health.


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