Kitchen Knife Safety Tips

You`ve just paid out your hard-earned money on a brand new kitchen knife. That is the buying part over with. But, what about taking care of it, so that it will last you for a long time?

Following some simple rules will help you to keep that quality knife in great condition, giving you years of satisfaction.

Cutting on an unsuitable surface is likely to damage either the knife or the surface! Use a chopping board made of wood or plastic.

After use wash the knife in warm soapy water after use, and dry it. Never use a dishwasher for wooden-handled knives. Preferably don`t use a dishwasher for any knives.

Don't use a scouring pad or other abrasive material to clean your knife. This will scratch the blade. A sponge or soft cloth is best.

Many knives are stain-resistant, but you may notice some discolouration of the blade if it is not cleaned after use with acidic foods such as lemons or pickles. This discolouration can normally be easily removed by rubbing gently with a good quality mild cream cleanser to bring back the knife's original shine.

Don`t allow your knife to go blunt. Sharpen regularly using a whetstone, or perhaps a ceramic or diamond tool.

Of Paramount Importance Is Knife Safety

The kitchen can be a busy place, and accidents can and do happen. Follow these tips and avoid problems with cutting yourself with your knives.

If used properly, a sharp knife is safer than a blunt one. Less force is required to use a sharp knife, so there is less chance of it slipping. But a sharp knife can be very dangerous if abused.
It may seem like a contradiction, but sharp knives are the safest. With a clean edge, a knife is more predicable and easier to control. If you've purchased a top-of-the-line knife, maintaining the quality of the blade ensures maximum value from your investment.

While a sharp knife is indeed a safe knife, it's wise to use caution with your newly sharpened knives, as they will be sharper than you expect.

Always use a chopping board, and never touch the edge of the blade with your finger.

Never leave the knife lying in a washing up bowl, or anywhere else where your fingers could come into accidental contact with the blade.

Finally, it goes without saying that sharp knives should be kept well out of the reach of children, and stored in a safe place such as a knife block.

Never use your knife to cut frozen food or to cut through bone. This will blunt the blade or possibly even chip it.

Geoff Cummings runs a kitchen site. At visitors will find a full range of kitchen products, at discount prices.


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