Some Great Guidelines For Charcoal Lighting

By Nataly Y

Lighting up your charcoals - it's easy! Yes, it IS very easy!

Today I will share some of my special tips with you and will talk about
getting the charcoal ready for cooking.

If you are fed up with good old method of lighting charcoals using matches,
because you think it takes ages and is boring, then you should get yourself
few special cans of lighter fluid, which are normally sold anywhere where
you can buy the charcoals. If you look closely at the can you will obviously
spot some
instructions - yep, it's that tiny text somewhere at the bottom of the can.
But if you forgot your glasses (as it normally happens), then you should do

place charcoals evenly at the very bottom of the grill and sprinkle them
with the lighter fluid (you won't need much at all).Then make a little
pyramid with the charcoals and add a little bit of lighter fluid. Wait a
minute to let the excess fluid evaporate and start lighting the charcoals
from the very bottom. But do NOT use the matches! You should get yourself a
special lighter, which must be quite long. I'm sure you have seen these in
stores. These lighters are great for lighting charcoals and what is very
impoartant - they are safe. They have a special blocking system, which will
prevent your child from setting your house on fire!

What I used to do quite often - I used grill tongs to take a regular paper
tissue, dip it slightly into the lighter fluid, light it up and use it to
light up the pyramid.

The charcoals should be ready within 30-45 minutes. That's just enough time
for evaporation of lighter fluid. Although I do sometimes hear from people
that they can feel that fluid aroma in their BBQ. Well, these people must be
either sharp-nosed or have quite a luxuriant imagination (or both?)

The lighter you use can either be dry - here I mean those little cubes and
pills. The ones that are wax based are particularly handy. All you need to
do is place several cubes or pills at the bottom of charcoals and light it

"Yes, but can we get away without all these chemicals?" - I hear you ask.
And the answer is YES! You can use a "starter" or as it is sometimes called
a "fireplace for the charcoals".

And now is just the right time to introduce and personally recommend to you
a great starter, which I use and which is probably my purchase of the year!
This handy wonder will help you light your charcoals very quickly, neatly
and safely!

A starter looks like a steel cylinder, which has little air vents on both
ends for the air flow. Inside the cylinder, in it's bottom part there is a
cone-shaped grate which holds charcoals. The fire starts right under this
grate (for this you can use even the old newspapers, but I'd advise to stick
to those wax based solidified alcohol pills or some special long-play

With the good draft, secured by those special little air vents, and
cone-shaped grate, the flames quickly get to the charcoals. When they are
ready, the charcoals are placed in the grill.

To help us avoid any injury and to make it very safe, Weber had provided for
two handles. One is made of special heat-resistant plastic "Stay Cool" and
is firmly fitted to the cylinder. The other one is made of metal and can be
flicked vertically. These two handles help to displace the burning charcoals
easily and safely.

All we need to do is add some new charcoals to the grill, which will light
very easily and quickly.

1. Place charcoals onto the cone-shaped grate of the starter.

2. Next to the starter, placed on the bbq grill grate, light up the lighter

3. Place cylinder with charcoals on top of fire and wait until the charcoals
become ashy.

4. When the charcoals are ready, take starter using the special handles and
place the charcoals into the bbq grill.

I told you it was easy, especially with the starter which has really
made it all so much more enjoyable! If you would like to find out more about
Weber products, you are more than welcome to visit our site and have a look
around. And by the way, here is how the starter looks -

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