Are There Really Anti Aging Foods?

By Ray Andrew

"Aging appears to be due in large part to the drastic decline of growth hormone in the body after adulthood", Dr Ronald Klatz.

Once the natural lifespan of our cells is done, our body start to degenerate. Another cause are the oxidizing substances that we are expose every day. The only way to make a faster regeneration of our cells is to produce more Human Growth Hormones.

Once our cells die, new ones are created, this is a natural procedure in our body. So, we cant prevent aging but what an anti aging treatment can do, is to balance the gain and loss of cells in our body.

One of the most beneficial ways to keep your body young, is to eat the right food. But first lets analyze some anti aging myths that have been around for a while:

Eat a lot of Vegetables and fruits

Its important to eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, but its not necessary to eat a lot ot them. A census from American population, said that vegetarians die younger. Teenage vegetarians are more likely to use laxatives. Also some Studies have shown that people that dont eat meat and consume low proteins have poor sex performance, bone damage and muscle loss.

Drink 8 glasses of water every day to get rid of toxins

This is another myth, your kidney doesn't need lots of water. Even the National Institute of Health said that an adult gets the necessary water from a solid food alone.

Also, drinking too much water can cause serious intoxication and interfere the heart and muscle function.

Fat and Cholesterol Can kill you

The Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association said, that a low fat diet can be dangerous for most people. Without fat and cholesterol in your diet, you life is at risk.

Low cholesterol can trigger a massive stroke. The blood vessels in your brain can burst open.

Now lets see what is the food you should take:

Foods that improve you health and slow aging

Read lean meat- This is the most recommended anti aging food that you can take.

Some experts speculate that cholesterol can cause heart disease and thats why they tell their patients not to eat Red meat. Taking vitamin B6 and B12 can cut the risk, coincidentally red meat has this benefit.

Another benefit of red meat is that increases Human Growth Hormone. You will not get fat, because it balance the production of fat with insulin in your body.

If you want to have a lot more energy in your body, the secret is the testosterone. And it will also help you prevent severe diseases, such as:

Heart Disease

In conclusion, its very clear that red meat has a lot of benefits and if you want to reverse aging, this is a food you want to include in diet.

If you want to Discover the Proven Most effective affordable anti aging treatments, supplements, tips and advice, then visit: anti aging supplements at


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