The Best Roasted Garlic Soup Recipe!
Give this garlic soup to a family member or friend when they are sick or just to warm their heart.
The properties contained in these tiny little bulbs of garlic are the greatest for lowering cholesterol and increasing immunities.
Note : If you are taking a blood thinning medication, I would suggest not including the garlic in your recipe because it also effectively thins the blood. This includes the "one a day" preventative medications.
You can store this soup in the freezer, for future use. If that is what you are going to do, please note that the noodles will absorb even more water after they have been cooked. What are you going to do? Simply add more water and a little more spices and you are ready for your soup to make you better!
What you will need:
I use a wok to make my soups as they are bigger and give me more freedom to work.
2 or 3 Bulbs of Garlic
Jalapeños (McCormick's makes a great crushed pepper in a jar, but using real is best. Just slice 'em and dice 'em and you are all ready.)
Coarse Black Pepper
I have not given size allotments for the foods for one reason. I may like 2 cups of carrots in my soup, but that does not mean you will.
(If you would like the allotments that I use, please email me and I will forward exactly how I make it.. )
I feel like making a soup is like making a picture. You can change the colours but you will never please everyone. Please yourself first.
Either way these ingredients are all apart of my "picture".
Directions :
I begin by boiling the water and pre-heating the oven to 350 degrees Celsius first. While the water and oven are getting ready, I start chopping my spices and everything else I will need for the soup.
When the oven is ready I put my 2 or 3 bulbs into the Garlic Roaster to roast for approximately 10 minutes. The carrots and celery go into the water first. Use it to your hearts content. If you like a lot of these, then go for it. If not, then only use enough to add some nice colour, but it should be added.
I usually use about 1/4 cup of chopped dill and put this into the boiling water next.
Parsley is a diuretic. (That means you will be using the washroom after.) Use parsley in moderation. Less than a 1/4 cup is sufficient, but you can use more. Do not use more than 1/2 a cup as that as it causes a lot of distress on your bowels.
I remove the garlic from the oven at this point, unpeel and drop into the soup. Again if you are not a fan of the clove, only use a couple and dice them up small.
I sprinkle as much pepper on as possible remembering who else aside from myself will be eating it.
Then I add the Jalapeños. Whether it is crushed Jalapeños, or Jalapeños that I have diced myself, the spice factor is what you are after with this one. Although you may not enjoy Jalapeños, it makes for an amazing spice in your get - well - soon - soup. Jalapeños increase your white blood cells assisting your body with fighting off a virus.
Depending on the size of pot you are using, gage how many cups of Fuscilli Noodles to use. I try to add at least 3 1/2 - 4 cups as I know I will add more water when I unfreeze it for another meal.
Stir on occasion so that the noodles do not get stuck together.
The very very last thing I do before taking it off the stove? I cut two lemons in half. They have seeds so you can use your hand to strain them, but this gives a little more kick with those first few slurps!
Now that everything has been added I wait. You can add cooked chicken to add protein to this soup. It is a great protein for this soup, and offers the body added iron that is typically lacking when we are ill.
The whole process takes me approximately 30 - 40 minutes from first adding the water to in my own bowl.
Tip: If at the first bite it is very hot and spicy, adding a dollop of sour cream will help counter the heat, but you will still receive the benefits of the food.
I stir this only on occasion because I enjoy the sights and smells coming from my pot. And now, your soup is born! Enjoy it, share it, and cook away. Eating this soup at the onset or during a cold or flu virus, will help increase your bodies ability to fight it off, thereby shortening the length of your cold or flu.