How to Make Your Kitchen Walls Work Double Time

Need more space to display your child's artwork and those school permission forms? Don't like papers everywhere, thumbtack holes, or tape on your walls?

You can actually get this special primer now, that will transform walls into magnetically-charged surfaces, so you can mount that art with refrigerator magnets! Imagine if you painted a whole wall with this, all the things you could hang on it.

You just roll it on. It doesn't change the color of your wall or cabinet.

It doesn't interfere with computer equipment either, and you can use it anywhere you would normally use regular latex paint. If you have kids, and you are doing changes to your kitchen, this could be something to consider. You could even make one of your cabinets magnetic.

Since the kitchen is the main hub of any house, then it only makes sense to have a good sized message board there, to keep up with the activities of your family. Rather than have bits of post it notes all over... you could also consider painting the inside of a cabinet, or the outside of a cabinet with blackboard paint. This is a great idea for quick messages, just make sure to have a place for the chalk.

Kids love using a chalk board, and are more likely to leave you messages. My sister painted the entire wall that her phone is on with blackboard paint. This way she can write messages from the phone right onto the wall, you can simply wash it down after.

Both magnetic paint, and blackboard paint are great ideas for a kitchen makeover. When doing a kitchen makeover, you need to consider what your family does in the kitchen in order to keep things running smoothly, and if that means a large message "wall" then go for it, or a magnetic wall to stick all your papers on, then go for that too..

The magazine layouts, show beautiful kitchens, but don't always show those permission forms for school, or the latest art masterpiece that your 5 year old brought home today and must be displayed, and that is really part of life too, and needs to be considered.

A kitchen needs to be functional, as well as beautiful, so work out your family needs before you head for the designers. If you forget to include message boards, or places to stick forms etc, then you new kitchen will look a mess before you know it. Find a place for everything, and your kitchen will stay clean, for a little while at least. is an article and website by Diane Palmer, you need to make your kitchen functional as well as beautiful.. get more ideas



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