Shrimp and Scallop Recipe

The shrimp and scallop recipe is one of the tastiest recipes that you can make with shrimp and is usually easy to prepare because there aren't many ingredients involved in making it. This is a good delicious recipe to serve to at least four people at a time.

The essential ingredients for making this recipe include, three cana of shrimp that needs too be well boiled and peeled as well as the bay scallops for the recipe. You require one teaspoon of olive oil with that of two-table spoon of garlic powder, and a half tablespoon crushed red pepper. You also require four-tablespoons of chicken broth, add to that fresh limejuice of one-tablespoon and finally, you have a half-cup pf fresh, chopped parsley and small quantity of salt and pepper for good taste. These are the main ingredients in order to make the delicious recipe.

The preparation of making the recipe includes, heating the oil in the large fry pan to a medium heat. Then, you need to fry the garlic in the pan until it becomes light brown, remove it from the pan and keep it aside. Then, you add other ingredients in the pan like pepper, shrimp, one scallop, and paprika.

Stir these things continuously and fry then for to about 3 to 4 min. Then, you add the chicken broth, cook for one minute. After, which you remove the shrimp as well as the scallop from the pan and keep it aside. Now, you add limejuice, salt, pepper as well as the parsley and heat it lightly. Finally, pour the sauce at the top of the shrimp and scallops and serve it immediately.

This shrimp and scallop recipe will typically serve a small family so it's not best to make for only a couple people. However, f creating this as a main meal you might be able to get away with it.

To get many more shrimp recipes go to:



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