Generations Prefer KitchenAid Stand Mixers

By Dustin Davis

While growing up, my family always had a white KitchenAid mixer sitting on our counter. It normally had a cloth cover on it. My mom used it all the time to make cookies & red velvet cakes. Honestly, I didn't think much of it, but she always referred to it as her "KitchenAid" rather than her mixer.

When I was 12 years old, my parents separated. My mom moved out and took little with her, but she did take her KitchenAid mixer. That's when I really noticed the void. I liked to make cookies. I talked my dad into buying a cheap mixer. We bought a couple second hand mixers. They both broke. Needless to say, I didn't make many cookies.

Eventually my dad remarried and his new wife had a white KitchenAid mixer just like my moms.

When I got engaged it was fun to go do the little wedding registry thing. We only registered at one store. I believe it was the now bought-out ZCMI. My wife put a cobalt blue KitchenAid stand mixer on the list. She explained to me all that she had in her hope chest and that her kitchen would always be navy blue and yellow.

I have a grandma that gives a KitchenAid mixer to every granddaughter or grandson that gets married. We were no exception. It is always a white one though. So we simple went to ZCMI and exchanged it for the cobalt blue one to go with my wife's kitchen colors.

All my brothers and sisters own a KitchenAid mixer. My parents and grandparents all own a KitchenAid mixer, with the exception of my father's parents who never really baked anything come to think of it. My wife's family is the same way. Her mother and grandmother both have the BIG KitchenAid mixers and her sisters also own KitchenAid mixers.

KitchenAid has become the de facto standard for stand mixers and I'm sure the tradition will continue with our kids.

Dustin Davis is a food lover and a deal finder. KitchenAid Mixers are highly popular, but they can also be expensive. You can find great deals on new and used KitchenAid stand mixers at


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