How Do You Buy Fish Oil Supplements Without Mercury And Other Toxins
By Dan Ho
Fish oil supplements without mercury in them should be one of the most important standards by which all supplements are judged.
We will discuss this a bit and then cover some other important points about how to choose a quality fish oil product.
First, as most of us know now, eating fatty fish may provide a great source of omega-3's, but it also comes with toxins that build up in the flesh of the fish because of pollution in the world's water systems. These toxins can be very serious: heavy metals like mercury, lead, PCB's.
Fish oil supplements without mercury need to be molecularly distilled. The molecular distillation process separates the toxins from the beneficial oils, which are separated based on weight. The purified oils are then used for the supplements.
So, the first thing you need to do is buy only fish oil that has been molecularly distilled.
Secondly, you need to find a product made with a fish species with a naturally high omega 3 content. Not all fish are equal! In fact, some of the most popular type of fish barely have any omega-3 content at all. Tilapia is one example.
To have high omega 3 content, it must be a cold, deep water, fatty type fish.
One of the best choices is Hoki. It's a species that comes from the South Ocean of New Zealand and is renowned for having a high omega 3 value.
A good fish oil product should list not only the total omega 3 content per capsule, but also the breakdown of the types of omega 3 fatty acids present: how much DHA, how much EPA, etc. DHA is especially crucial for brain health. Most supplements, however, contain more EPA than DHA which is why they often won't list the ratios on the product label.
Become an educated consumer and you can find a product for a reasonable price that will greatly improve your entire family's health for many years to come.
Dan Ho is chief editor of Visit us now to learn more about the purified fish oil supplement we personally use and why we chose this product after extensive research. |