Apples and Bananas
By Joseph Devine
In most countries in the world, fruit is more highly sought after then candy, because it is not only sweet, but good for you. In American we have lost sight of the value of fruit. Fruit offers us an opportunity to experience healthy eating, but in a tasty way. Let's explore a few types of fruits and all the cooking and eating possibilities that they hold.
If you find eating raw fruit too boring to eat on a daily basis, let's talk about the all the different ways to enjoy the apple. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the saying goes. Apples are an amazing fruit; not only in their immense variety, but in the amount of ways they can be utilized in cooking. Apples can be eaten raw, baked, put into pies, made into apple sauce, turned in apple cider, and even liquor. They are colorful, showing in every shade of green and red on the color wheel.
The challenge of using apples is picking the right variety of apple for your desired cooking project. When baking a pie, some of the best pie making apples include: cameo, cortland, golden delicious, pink lady, fuji, and empire. The rule in making apple sauce is that you can use almost any kind of apple, except for red delicious. Another way to use apples in your cooking routine is to use half the amount of vegetable oil and use apple sauce for the rest of the amount. This cuts down on fat and can also give you a moist product.
Another diverse fruit is the banana. An important thing to keep in mind is that bananas can be used in many different stages of ripeness, but you must use the fruit in the appropriate stage for the dish you are trying to prepare. Banana bread, smoothies, muffins, and many others banana delights can add a sweet and healthy snack in your everyday life.
Remember that there are hundreds of different kinds of fruit in the world, all for the taking and tasting. Fruit is a healthy snack that you should encourage your family to enjoy. Edit your kitchen's contents by taking out processed foods like fruit rollups, chips, and candy, and in their place, always have a variety of fruit around to make it easy for them to make a healthy choice.
If you would like more information on the nutritional value of fruit or how to use fruit in your cooking, visit today!
Joseph Devine |