Nutrient Value, Calorie Content, Properties and Constituents of Acai Berry Fruit

By Tarun Jaswani

For those who have heard about the Acai berry diet that has been the talk of the town every since Oprah mentioned it, you might be interested in hearing more about what the Acai fruit is beyond the fact that it has an incredible ability to boost your metabolism.

One of the first things you may be interested in learning about is the nutrient composition and the organic composition of the berry which is native to the Amazon rain forest. First of all, one of the main reason why the berry is such a great antioxidant is because half of it is healthy fats, and 75% of those fats are omega fats which are healthy fats that the body needs to function properly.

Additionally, the Acai fruit has 19 amino acids, and it is these amino acids that build protein, which is why in one 100 gram serving of you receive 8 grams of protein. The protein  is what greatly increases your metabolism allowing you to burn more fat while exercising. Fiber, which also helps burn fat and increases the strength of your digestive system, is also found in abundance, with over 14 grams of fiber in 100 grams of dry berry powder.

If this is not enough information to have you considering adding Acai berry to your diet, you will be interested to learn that it also has Vitamins A, B1-3, C, E, and a significant amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc in its organic content as well. In fact this fruit is practically a dietary supplement pill in itself!

An important property of Acai berry fruit is it retains its magical properties when preserved. Thus leading to very effective weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements are designed to work with the dieting process to help improve vitamin and mineral levels that may be missing in the diet.

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These supplements have helped many people over the years achieve their weight loss targets. The body will be far more likely to get rid of unnecessary weight if it is absorbing the right amount of nutrients and Acai Berry Will take care of it. For the first time you have Acai Berry Supplements and what more, You can now try Acai Berry for a 14 Day Free Trial

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