Keurig B70 Single Cup Brewer Review
What a fantastic machine. These were the first words that came out of my mouth when I got the chance to test drive the Keurig B70 Single Cup Brewer. Let me take you through the process of my realization. The good folks of Green Mountain Coffee contacted me in helping them review this machine. First I was a little reluctant, but what the heck I decided to give it a try. After all, this brewer is not like your normal drip coffee maker that you can purchase at any Wal-Mart or Best Buy.
After getting past that after thought, four days later I had the machine in my procession and the wonderful single serving coffee, coco and tea packets. The brewer came in a well-packaged box and I had no problems setting up the brewer for my first cup of coffee.
I was a little skeptical of having a machine that only brews one cup of coffee, tea or coco at a time. I guess because I have only owned drip coffee makers in my lifetime - never a machine that was so specialized. But I found it to be a blessing. Drip coffee makers force you to make a full pitcher of coffee each and every time. But what happens after that first cup. If that is all you drink for the day then you have just wasted probably a half of gallon of water and a quarter of grinds. How about if you wanted a second cup in an hour? That old pitcher of coffee has been cooking for the past hour. What a nasty cup of coffee. On the other had the Keurig Single cup Brewer only brews one hot cup of coffee at a time. There is no left over that is cooked for hours.
Now, what is necessary when using this machine? Well, first of all you have to start with Spring Water. This is a necessary and needed step. I tried coffee with tap and spring water and I could taste the difference in the coffee.
Next, you will have to buy the single serve cups of coffee. Green Mountain has a wonderful selection of flavors for the strong pallet to the weak pallet. They also have teas and coco. They sent me a mint tea that my children and I loved. It is also a mint tea that needs very little sugar. So, if your health conscious then this tea will be right up your alley.
After getting the coffee or tea, just plug in the brewer, and fill with the desired amount of water. The brewer will tell you if the right amount of water is in the machine. Pop in the single serve cup, pick your cup size and hit brew. It is that easy. I read out tells you when to hit brew and when the cup of coffee or tea is ready. And once you have the cup of coffee the manufacturer recommends that you rinse out the machine by brewing a cup without the single serve cup. This cleans out the brewer for the next person. I love this system but I had 1 problem, well it's not really a problem just something I wish would be addressed.
I found that I had to put more that one-cup of water in the despiser in order for it to brew. I thought this defeated the purpose of brewing one single cup of coffee at a time. But all and all I absolutely loved this machine. I would definitely recommend this machine to all my friends without any thought.
Get your Keurig B70 Single Cup Brewer today. Also See these Keurig B70 Single Cup Brewers. Kenneth Elliott is the owner of espresso machine rancillio. |