Vegetarian - Beat Your Obesity Crisis With a Vegetarian Lifestyle!

As obesity continues to rise alarmingly, it places extreme pressure on our health systems and medical facilities. In the United States alone nearly two-thirds of adults are now classed as being overweight and half of these (more than 72 million people) are considered obese. Obesity, once a disease of old age and high living is now affecting younger and younger slices of the population. For the first time in history we could see a whole generation of children develop diseases at an earlier rate when they become adults.

The reasons for this rise in obesity are many and varied but center largely on the fact that many people are now less active than they used to be, preferring to sit in front of the television and watch sport rather than participate in it. Of course, one of the other major reasons is the availability of a huge variety of fast and convenient foods containing high levels of saturated fats, salt, sugar and cholesterol. This means that the we are not burning off the calories consumed each day, leading to weight acceleration.

Some experts on this subject argue that dieting is not the solution as most dieters set themselves unrealistic expectations and when they do not achieve their goals, tend to blame the diet and give up altogether. Losing weight gradually at one or two pounds a week (1kg) is fine but anything more than this is simply not realistic or sustainable in the long term.

A change of mindset is required to successfully lose weight and keep it off. The bottom line is, you have to make serious lifestyle changes that include include your eating habits and a regular exercise regime. Reduce the quantity of food you are eating and/or replace high calorie foods with low calorie alternatives. Combine this with regular exercise to burn off more calories and you will lose weight.

Starting this new lifestyle should be a gradual change, however as people become more motivated and have more energy, they tend to appreciate these new feelings that have been absent from their lives for a long time.

Many simple vegetarian recipes can be of value in controlling obesity. They are generally high in nutrition and energy, tasty, low in fat and calories.

You should now leave the word "diet" out of your vocabulary and think more about a "change in your lifestyle" in order to conquer your weight problem and look forward to a healthy and prolonged life.

Bill Hansen is a writer(Expert Author Status) and researcher on vegetarian food and recipes To receive your instant access on various vegetarian food issues please visit


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