How To Make Delicious Coffee In A Drip Coffee Maker
By Girija Koney
Coffee preparation could be considered an art. A simple cup of coffee could be improvised into a great cup of coffee. How? Great tasting coffee starts with picking the right kind of beans, the storage care, grinding to a proper texture, water used to make coffee, correct measurement of coffee added to the water, brewing and finally serving.
There are various methods of making coffee and using drip coffee maker is one of the easiest and most effective methods of making great coffee.
The drip coffee is said to one of the easiest and most common coffeemaker in use today. It is simple and effective in preparing and maintaining the coffee flavor. You just add freshly ground beans and cold water to the reservoir. The heating element brews your coffee and delivers it with its aroma ready to consume. Your coffee is prepared in a matter of few minutes.
Do you know the secret formula for a perfect brew?
It begins with the coffee beans you select. Select an appealing flavor from the various ones that are available in the world. Once you bring home the beans make sure to retain that flavor by grinding it in an appropriate grinder to make sure that the texture is just right for a perfect brew. Brew it with pure water. Following this secret formula would deliver the world's best coffee right into your coffee cup. Of course, the serving style adds to the richness of your coffee.
With these above secrets, you could easily make great coffee in a drip coffee maker
Regular method of brewing coffee in a drip coffee maker consists of the following simple steps:
· Remove the carafe and roll out the basket.
· Place a filter in the basket
· Add ground coffee
· Roll in the basket back into its place.
· Fill the reservoir with water. Use two level tablespoons of ground coffee for each six ounces of water.
· Place the carafe back in the machine
· Turn it on
· Wait until the water flows through the coffee beans into the carafe
· When the water stops dripping, remove the carafe.
· Now your coffee is done - pour coffee into a cup and serve.
You may add a sweetener to sweeten your coffee. If you are watching your calories, you could use Splenda, Equal or Sweet & Low. But artificial sweeteners tend to add a bitter taste to your cup. Of course, if you are not a diabetic and do not mind the calories you could feel free to use raw sugar to give it a rich sugar flavor.
One word of caution at this point is this – though the heating plate under the coffee pot does keep your coffee warm, it is best not to leave the coffee pot there for too long otherwise, the coffee will become bitter.
You could prepare great coffee every day if you would just follow these instructions.