Oven Safety Warning For Landlords
Landlords need to be aware of the health and safety risks surrounding unclean ovens. Kitchens can provide health risks to tenants and dirty ovens in particular are a key source of household fires.
The 2002-2003 British Crime Survey of Fires in the Home revealed that the majority (62 per cent) of domestic fires start in the kitchen. The British Crime Survey figures are alarming, but a vast majority could be prevented if a simple task was undertaken. Unfortunately that task is one of the most neglected.
Of those fires that were started via a cooking accident, 35 per cent were caused by fat or oil catching fire and 28 per cent by grill pans.
Cleanliness and hygiene are often the biggest concerns facing tenants and many providers across the country should be aiming to raise the overall standard of their accommodation.
Landlords have a duty of care towards their tenants and those who are found guilty of letting unsafe and/or unclean houses could face prosecution. Many of them won't even realise that the build up of grease and grime at the back of the oven can be a real fire hazard. It's important that landlords provide tenants with a clean, healthy environment otherwise they may fall foul of the law.
Another key area of concern regarding unclean kitchens is student accommodation. It's a myth that all students are happy to live in squalor. Students have even been known to withheld rent payments because they've been fed up with living in unacceptable conditions. Landlords could be struck off the registered university accommodation lists if students submit a complaint to their student union representatives.
Innovative valeting processes could help protect landlords from these fates. The process is unusual because it involves dismantling key components of an oven such as the door, interior panels, fan and shelves.
The parts are placed into design-registered equipment, which uses non caustic products to clean the oven parts. The whole process takes around three hours and leaves the oven, hob and exterior in immaculate and safe condition.
Cleaning the oven is seen as a monotonous and somewhat laborious chore, but it has to be done. Allowing grease, fat and dirt to build up to any appliance can be dangerous but in an oven the consequences can be deadly. Using an expert oven valeting removes the hassle and worry of cleaning the oven properly.
Ignoring the state of an oven could end up costing a landlord even more than just hard cash!
The 2002-2003 British Crime Survey of Fires in the Home revealed that the majority (62 per cent) of domestic fires start in the kitchen. The British Crime Survey figures are alarming, but a vast majority could be prevented if a simple task was undertaken. Unfortunately that task is one of the most neglected.
Of those fires that were started via a cooking accident, 35 per cent were caused by fat or oil catching fire and 28 per cent by grill pans.
Cleanliness and hygiene are often the biggest concerns facing tenants and many providers across the country should be aiming to raise the overall standard of their accommodation.
Landlords have a duty of care towards their tenants and those who are found guilty of letting unsafe and/or unclean houses could face prosecution. Many of them won't even realise that the build up of grease and grime at the back of the oven can be a real fire hazard. It's important that landlords provide tenants with a clean, healthy environment otherwise they may fall foul of the law.
Another key area of concern regarding unclean kitchens is student accommodation. It's a myth that all students are happy to live in squalor. Students have even been known to withheld rent payments because they've been fed up with living in unacceptable conditions. Landlords could be struck off the registered university accommodation lists if students submit a complaint to their student union representatives.
Innovative valeting processes could help protect landlords from these fates. The process is unusual because it involves dismantling key components of an oven such as the door, interior panels, fan and shelves.
The parts are placed into design-registered equipment, which uses non caustic products to clean the oven parts. The whole process takes around three hours and leaves the oven, hob and exterior in immaculate and safe condition.
Cleaning the oven is seen as a monotonous and somewhat laborious chore, but it has to be done. Allowing grease, fat and dirt to build up to any appliance can be dangerous but in an oven the consequences can be deadly. Using an expert oven valeting removes the hassle and worry of cleaning the oven properly.
Ignoring the state of an oven could end up costing a landlord even more than just hard cash!
About the Author:
Rik Hellewell is the Managing Director of Ovenu, the specialist oven cleaning business. They have over 100 professional oven valeters operating across Britain.
Rik Hellewell is the Managing Director of Ovenu, the specialist oven cleaning business. They have over 100 professional oven valeters operating across Britain.