Purchase Your Water Cooler Rather Than Entering Into An Onerous Rental or Lease Agreement
By Justin March
While the initial cost of purchasing a water cooler can seem prohibitive when compared to a typical 3 year rental contract it becomes clear why outright purchase is so attractive to many businesses. In addition purchasing a water cooler outright gives the consumer freedom when it comes to maintaining and running their water cooler. The consumer can opt to maintain and sanitise the machine themselves or can select and switch between third party suppliers at will, in order to achieve the correct balance of cost over service levels, something that is impossible if the consumer is tied into an extended rental contract or lease.
Options for Plumbed in Water Cooler Customers -
Customers who opt for a plumbed in water cooler have only to sanitise the machine and replace the filter every 6 months; they can accomplish this in 3 ways:
Self Maintenance -
It's perfectly possible for individuals to maintain the machine themselves by purchasing a sanitisation kit and filter when required. The filters cost from only £29.99 and sanitisation kits with enough liquid to last for a year start from only £44.99.
Use a Third Party Company -
Third party companies are available to maintain and service water coolers, rates vary by area, ask your supplier for details.
Opt for a Service Contract -
Some companies also offer consumers the option for a service contract at the time of purchase; this often includes access to a qualified engineer. Prices start from £199 for the year and are generally handled via a third party company.
Options for Bottled Water Cooler Customers -
Rather than worrying about a filter change Bottled Water Cooler customers have to consider the supply of regular bottle deliveries. Bottled machines still require regular sanitisation but it's generally considered more appropriate for the supplier of bottles to sanitise the machines in conjunction with the deliveries. The principal advantage of purchasing a bottled water cooler over renting the cooler is that this option leaves the consumer open to switch between suppliers at will. Bottled Water Cooler customers have the following options:
Self Maintenance & Third Party Bottle Delivery -
While it's by no means usual it's perfectly feasible for individuals to sanitise their own bottled water cooler, sanitisation kits for bottled coolers start from only £34.99 and are easy to use. Bottled deliveries may then be handled by a third party company of the customer's choice.
Third Party Bottle Delivery & Sanitisation -
Third party companies are available to deliver bottles and sanitise water coolers throughout the UK the standard 18.9 Liter Bottles start from £5.50 each.
Written on the behalf of Water Coolers Direct providing solutions to mains water quality throughout the UK |