More Kitchen Beauty for Your Hair with Kitchen Coloring
Beautiful hair ideas are available right in your own kitchen. Lemon juice and water will lighten any color of hair, although it works fastest and best for blondes and lighter browns. Put the mixture on your hair, then go out into the sunlight for an even faster and more dramatic 'beach' effect.
Remember that lemon juice and water plus sunlight is a permanent treatment. The procedure can dry your hair, so use plenty of conditioner. When I am outside in the summer sun, I like to use a spray on/leave on conditioner that is really diluted, but can stay on. By using some tender treatment to your hair and doing a little planning ahead, you can maintain moisture quality in your hair. In your plan, you can have the lightening process go slowly instead of trying to get a new color in one day. One of the costs of kitchen beauty for your hair will be that speed is not one of the elements, so you will have a time cost if not money cost. Another gradual increase in the lemon juice would work okay, but I believe there is a balance point where the benefits are not justified by the extra acidic application of a stronger lemon juice formula. It is a good idea to start easy with only about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per cup of water. This formula is better applied to hair that is already wet. If you want sun streaks, combing the mixture through specific strands of wet hair, while avoiding other strands will work toward the streaks.
Similar lightening effects can be achieved using freshly brewed COOLED Chamomile Tea. The Chamomile won't be as drastic as the lemon juice nor as permanent. Combining a plan of alternating lemon juice and chamomile may be a good way to maintain the healthy moisture quality and shine for your hair as you work on the lightening process for beautiful, summer-streaked hair styles.
Visible results will take a while to develop. Sunshine alone will lighten hair, so if you are outside a lot, remember that the sun will keep working on the strands that have received applications of Chamomile tea or lemon juice even on days you do not apply either. With that understanding, you can see the merit of using a 1-2-3- plan of applying lemon juice and water on Day 1, Chamomile tea on Day 2 and let your hair rest with only a conditioner application on Day 3.
With all of this information of blondes, I want to assure brunettes that their options for kitchen beauty are positive. The formulas may not be as complicated or diverse, but are available, nevertheless. If you have warm dark hair and want to keep the healthy moisture and shine without the sun bleached beach look, you can apply COOLED espresso for a nice shine. The recommendations are to pour cooled, very strong coffee onto dry hair, wrap an old towel around your hair and leave the coffee on the hair for about 20 minutes. I do not believe there will be benefit from leaving the coffee on the hair longer than 20 minutes. Twenty minutes is not a very long time, as you can continue other activities while you wait. You should be pleased with the rich glow that this treatment gives your darker hair. Your darker, rich, shining hair will be a fine contrast beside your summer blonde friends.
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